Solar System Project

*5th Grade Solar System Project*

*Project Assigned: April 22, 2024

*Project Due: May 20, 2024

See the true size of our solar system - Owl Connected

*Part 1: Create a Model of the Solar System.

It is your choice how to make it, but here are some sample pictures. BE CREATIVE!!

model of solar system for school project� - ��� Google� | Modelo de sistema  solar, Como fazer uma maquete, Sistema solar       Solar system project ideas for school

The Cool Science Dad: Solar System Project

Some ideas: Modeling clay, play-doh, paper mache, styrofoam, or just neatly colored and cut paper. If you need some more inspiration, search online for ideas.


*Part 2: Label ALL planets in Solar System

Each part of your solar system must have a label. You can make your own labels or re-print the ones provided here


*Part 3: Research basic facts for The Sun and EACH planet.

Your research material can be found in Google Classroom. You MUST create a Google Slides presentation with 12 -14 slides describing what you learned about each of the planets. You may also include which planet you enjoyed learning about the most.

Use the links below for your research.

Planets 1

Planets 2

Space Facts

Planets for kids

Don’t wait until the last minute to work on this project! If you have any questions or need help, ask Ms. Micev.  DUE DATE MAY 20


Part 4: Use FlipGrid to show off your project

You will upload a 2-minute video showing off your project and sharing your design with the class. (Link in Google Classroom)